Friday, January 29, 2021

 Hi, This is Yumi, Robert’s wife. 

I am very excited to read chapter 1 of "Ithuriel "story soon!!

I hope many people will be able to access the Itheriel's adventure. "Serial with your cereal" is Robert's naming for this project. You can read a page or two while you are eating your cereal in the morning. I myself am looking forward to reading "Ithuriel".

Thursday, January 28, 2021

A synopsis about "Itheriel"

 The saga is set in a pre-history era & begins in Central Africa, moves southeast, spends months in a pre-configuration of Madagascar & then traces Asia’s subcontinent. Like Marco Polo in the 13th century, Ithuriel boomerangs thru Asia—amassing lethal skills & experience as he goes. Nonetheless, his goal is all about his return—looking for justice. Looking for revenge.

#IthurielWarrior #SwordandSorcery #BlackComics #blackscifi #blackspeculativefiction #SerialWithYourCereal @Operativenet 

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 Itherial, a "barbarian" from central Africa, is set in a semi-civilized time before pre-history & his adventures range him throughout countries similar to those in present-day Africa, Asia  & Europe. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 The Roach is a noir detective story pushed to its extremes. The Roach's characters & settings aren't overt or gratuitous. But the story & art are unflinching & unvarnished. Though the subject matter is mature (but no sex, nudity or irrelevant violence), there is a deep, devoted niche of comic book readers who adore this type of story. And the art is quite groundbreaking. It's sure to garner the company very positive reviews & coverage.

 Like MenthuThe Roach is a 4-story arc---its last issue being double-sized. Unlike MenthuThe Roach is black & white. J.H.Williams III, a highly respected & award winning artist, excecuted The Roach's covers. And I am working to publish Issue 5.

 Menthu is a story line that is based on Egyptian mythology but founded in present day Los Angeles, CA. The publication is named for the main character. Though entirely a work of fiction. Menthu's settings and storylines have been thoroughly researched. This diligence is evident throughout the story and the art.

 Menthu's initial distribution of 4 issues were published as a mini-series from 2004 to 2005. Though the series concludes the storyline is left open-ended with the intention to publish new Menthu stories. Menthu issue 5 through 7 were published from 2016 to 2017.

To place orders of Menthu series, email us at

 Robert Roach is a Los Angeles based illustrator, comic artist & publisher. He was winner of the first ever Glyph "Rising Star" Award for excellence in independent publishing for my comic, The Roach. The initial arc was completed in 2009. Comics blogger, Mike Hamersky, called that incarnation of The Roach, “the best in 2009—including the ‘2 majors’ & all ‘mid-majors.’”


Roach’s other vanguard project, Menthu, has garnered similar praise as The Roach. The initial 4-part arc of this present-day story—based on Egyptian mythology & set in LA—received a 3.5 out of 4 Stars Review from Comic Buyer's Guide magazine. And the latest Menthu story, a 72-page one-shot, has received sparkling reviews.